
FarrowMat is an electric heat mat that is placed behind the sow during farrowing.

The mat automatically maintains a temperature of 38 degrees Celcius, ensuring extra warmth for newborn piglets until they get on their feet. According to the Danish Pig Research Centre, this can result in an average of 0.28 extra weaned piglets per litter.

Read more under the interview with Jonas about his experience with the heat mat.

Jonas Würth from Go-Gris talks about his experience with FarrowMat

How the heat mat works

FarrowMat ensures that the smallest piglets have the opportunity to gather strength and get on their feet right after farrowing. The mat provides 38 degrees Celcius of heat from below, avoiding hypothermia of the smallest piglets. Hypothermia often leads to death before the piglet can move to a heat source. In addition to adding vital heat, FarrowMat also shields from the draft that can sometimes occur on slatted floors.

Your profit

Studies from Danish Pig Research Centre show that around 0.28 extra piglets per litter can be saved by adding heat. Excluding the costs of electricity and wages for handling and cleaning of the mat, this gives an additional profit of 5 EUR per litter if a piglet is worth 26 EUR. If it is worth 40 EUR, an additional profit of 9 EUR is made.

The practical side

The heat mat measures 85×35 cm and is half a centimetre thick.

Energy consumption is minimised by the mat switching off when it reaches 38 degrees Celcius. When the temperature drops slightly, the mat switches back on for a short time. During heating, the mat uses 200 Watt for a few minutes.

The mat comes with a 6 metre long cable with CEE or EUR plugs. When ordering, please specify the type of connector you require.

Contact us by phone at +45 77 34 87 87 for more information, or use our contact form by clicking here.

De små og svage er i stor risiko. Det bør derfor overvejes, om det i besætningen er muligt at foretage yderligere tiltag for at hjælpe disse grise bedre på vej ved at give disse grise yderligere varme og energi

Ninna Roland Simonsen Svinerådgiver hos LandboNord

Jeg synes, at investeringen i varmemåtten er anbefalelses værdig.

Jonas Würth Medejer, Go-Gris


Herunder finder du vores kontaktoplysninger.

  • info@farrowtech.dk
  • +45 7734 8787
  • Klamsagervej 35, 1. sal, 8230 Åbyhøj